PhobGCC Version 1.2.3 Ordering Guide

This is an illustrated guide to acquiring all the parts you need to assemble a PhobGCC.

Teensy 4.0s are extremely hard to find and/or scalped to expensive prices so we highly suggest that you not order PhobGCC 1.2 boards if you don’t have Teensy 4.0 boards already.

We expect to have PhobGCC board version 2 out by the end of 2022, which will have better parts availability and greatly simplified assembly.

Required Parts

The following parts are unique to the PhobGCC and must be acquired per this guide, with no non-identical substitutions.

The following parts are standard to a GCC and can be acquired via a number of different ways, some of which will be outlined here.

Purchasing the PhobGCC Board

There are two main ways to acquire a PhobGCC Board. The first way is if you intend to only build a single controller, you can contact a local modder in your region using this map to see if they have spare for sale. Alternatively, you can also check Etsy or eBay as some often appear for sale. If you cannot find a single board for sale or you intend to build more than one PhobGCC, you can order the boards directly from a board house. The one outlined here will be for JLCPCB.

First, you can download the files available in the PhobGCC-HW Github in the releases section as shown below:


Once you’ve extracted the files from the .zip, you should have three files. The Gerbers .zip, the bom.csv, and the top-pos.csv. Click “Order Now” on JLCPCB, click “Add Gerber File”, and upload the Once the files are uploaded, you should see the board load in as shown below:


Once you’ve checked that the size is set to 91.41x147.63mm, you can progress with configuring it. The recommended settings are the defaults, plus setting your board quantity, setting “Different Design” to 4, and setting the Surface Finish to ENIG, as seen below:


Scroll down to PCB Assembly and toggle it on the right. Select the top side and Economic PCBA Type (Not available for large orders or colors) as seen below. If you choose to use Standard PCBA, JLC will have to add rails to the board, increasing the price significantly.

NOTE: For large orders more than 50 boards or different colors, Standard Assembly is required. This attaches removable rails to the PCB at a significant extra cost.


Click “Confirm” and then upload the bom.csv to the left and and the top-pos.csv to the right. Set the usage description to Research -> DIY and click “Next”. The next screen should look like the following below with all 10 confirmed. If they are not confirmed, stop ordering and ask in the PhobGCC Discord.


After clicking “Next”, you’ll be presented with a view of the parts on the board. If this screen is corrupted, that’s okay. The files are known good and this is just the website bugging out. You want to make sure there are no red boxes anywhere as those indicate missing components. You can then click “Save To Cart” and pay for your boards.

Purchasing Other PhobGCC Parts

The remaining parts can be purchased from distributers as listed below:

Purchasing Other GCC Parts

The GCC-specific Parts have a few different methods of acquisition